FBC Sparta Communication Request

We hope this form gives you an easy way to promote your upcoming event/ministry at FBC Sparta! We would greatly appreciate requests being filled out 6-8 weeks prior to your event/communication. This will allow us ample time to create graphics and confirm with you, plus putting it in our advertising schedule.

We normally advertise an event/communication more than two weeks before its start date.

With Communication Requests, we will try our best to honor your advertising dates request, but we cannot guarantee any dates. The same goes for stage announcemnents as our time for verbal announcements is limited each Sunday. 

Your Info


Event Info

Type of Communication

All communications request will be pending pastoral approval. We will do our best to accomodate your request. Please note the timelines listed are when you can expect to see your communication after the request has been approved. These are guidelines for how long things typically take.