I'm New


We hope that you will find FBC Sparta to be friendly and inviting. We are by no means a perfect church, but we serve a perfect Savior. We seek to point people to Him. It is our mission to make much of Jesus every time we gather as a faith family.

Part of that is welcoming our guests with open arms and smiling faces. We would be honored to have you join us! We are a group of redeemed sinners who are seeking (imperfectly) to live for Christ. One of the beautiful aspects of the gospel is that it unites people of various experiences, life stations, and backgrounds under Christ’s Lordship.

Each of us has a unique talent, gift and story that God gives us in order to build up the church and to share the gospel with the world. At FBC, there are numerous opportunities for serving others, pursuing spiritual growth, and enjoying deep fellowship. Join us for heartfelt, authentic worship and relevant preaching and teaching that points us toward a joyful, Christ-centered life.

things to know

When We Meet

Sunday School 9:15 AM
Sunday Worship 10:30 AM

Where to Park

We have guest parking reserved for you! Enter the parking lot via Gillen Drive. Our guest and handicap spots are clearly marked and close to the "Welcome" door.


COME AS YOU ARE! We have a lot of diversity of dress at FBC Sparta. You will see some people in suits, others in jeans and a tee shirt, and anything in between. God is most concerned with the attitude of our hearts. 

Door Greeters

Our friendly greeters will meet you at the door. Please let them know you are a guest and they will get you all the info you need and help you find a seat.


We offer child care for ages 0-3, during our Sunday School hour (9:15 AM) and corporate worship (10:30 AM). Our greeters will be happy to help point you in the right direction! 

Plan Your Visit

Ready to join us? Whether you decide to plan a visit or come on your own, we are so excited for you to join us! If you choose to plan your visit, it will help our greeters and teachers be prepared for your visit! We cannot wait to meet you!

When we Meet

Sunday School

9:15 am

Sunday Worship

10:30 am

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.